2009 Hai Lang Gao Shan Zhai Autumn

0.0 stars  0.0  0 hodnocení  Přidáno 19.04.2013 uživatelem sypalino, Stav čaje: [178] A 2798x
2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn
2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn 2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn 2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn
2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn 2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn

Druh: Pu-erh

Země: Čína

Oblast: Yunnan

Sklizeň: 10/ 2009

Výrobce: Hai Lang Hao Tea Factory

Prodejce: Yunnan Sourcing

Yunnan Sourcing

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Popis od prodejce : 2009 Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai Autumn" Raw Pu-erh tea cake * 400 grams A pure wild arbor tea from hundreds of year old trees. This is from the same exact village and family as the 2009 Spring Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai" production! An incredible tea with a total production of just 34 kilograms (84 cakes). Gao Shan Zhai Pure Large Tree Tea Tasting notes: This Gaoshanzhai large tree tea is composed of thick and plump dark strips of tea. It has a particularly strong oily shine and clearly visible fine white fuzz. The brewed tea is bright yellow and transparent, its aroma a distinct blend of floral and honey notes. Its flavor feels both familiar and unique. The tea is thick and smooth as it enters the mouth, and there is a strong sense of salivation that fills the mouth. Huigan comes quickly. The tea liquor is substantial and rich, and the degree of flavor remaining in the mouth is extremely ideal. The aroma left at the bottom of the teacup is also highly enchanting. This tea possesses prominent "houyun" (throat rhythm) and feels refreshing and cool. The base of the leaves are substantial and undamaged. Among these Yiwu teas we have sampled, this tea stands among the front of the pack in terms of holding up to multiple infusions.

  •   Počet zobrazení: 2798  

Čaje - Pu-erh

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Citace - Pu-erh

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