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2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g

2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g
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Phôngsali is a province of Laos, bordering Yiwu, Yunnan. It is located high in the mountains, approximately 450–1,800 metres above sea level. Phôngsali is well know as ancient tea caravan in the past, is also one of the important origin of yunnan puer tea in history. In recent years, with the ancient tea market continued to heat up, more and more people set their sights on the border tea that come from unknown villages in Myanmar or Laos. The ancient tea trees resources in...




„Doufáme, že tímto krátkým úvodem pomůžeme demystifikovat čaj puerh. Neexistují žádná tajemství, jak poznat dobrý Puerh. Svět Puerhu je složitý, ale není nevysvětlitelný.“

Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q775] [s87]

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