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2016 Chawangpu Menghai "Xiao Yao"

2016 Chawangpu Menghai "Xiao Yao"
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Popis prodejce: 2016 was very special because cold winter and spring drought destroyed one-third of the tea. Spring teas from last year have strong taste, more powerful than many previous years. We made this cake especially for long term aging and offer for sell limited quantity now. Pure spring tea blend of high level materials from four different places in Menghai. We believe that you will enjoy this 400g cakes in the near future as one of our best teas we ever made. Stone compressed in...

2016 Chawangpu Bada Laoyu Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2016 Chawangpu Bada Laoyu Raw Puerh Cake 400g
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Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang village in Bada mountain. This village have very small quantity of tea trees that grow in the forest. Trees are relative old, but farmers cut the branches when trees get too tall. Tea trees are kept at easy-picking height because the tea is picked and made by old women in this village. They follow ancient ways to produce tea. Many of them make tea only for themself. We selected and bought good...

2008 Yi Wu Gu Shu

2008 Yi Wu Gu Shu
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2008 Yi Wu Gu Shu, jaro, směs z různých oblastí. Do roku 2015 zrál na Taiwanu.

2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g

2012 Xiaguan FT Zi Yun Hao Raw Tuo 100g
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This Xiaguan tuo shape raw puerh tea is made for Fei Tai (For Taiwan)" means this product was a special order of "Fei Tai" Company. Fei Tai Company is the biggest Xiaguan TF and Menghai TF pu-erh tea distributor in Taiwan. It is claimed that the customized products of Fei Tai company reaches a higher quality in Xiaguan TF. The high-level "FT" tea chose better raw materials. This tuo is high level powerfull blend for long term aging! Strong, good bitter, flowery taste with fast...

2016 Chawangpu Yibang Manguishan Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2016 Chawangpu Yibang Manguishan Xiao Bing Cha 200g
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Last winter was unusually cold. Many people thought they would have a good harvest the next spring. We bought little tea at first from Manguishan. Many people fought to take the first pick spring tea, that drive up the price. We wanted to wait and ask for a better price.Then there were no more tea! The tea buds withered up because there was no rain. There has been no rain throughout the spring, until the end of April. Drought destroyed one-third of the spring tea. We are lucky...

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g
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When people pick the tea from ancient trees, usually they pick one bud and three to four leaves. The third and fourth leaves are old and coarse. Old leaves became yellow after kill green and can not be rolled into strips. So the people would sort those yellow leaves out according to the production standard. The quality of these Huang Pian and the Mao Cha is consistent, Huang Pian were picked out just because of the poor appearance. This cake is made of arbor tea from three...

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g
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Established in the Qing Dynasty and passed down for thirteen generations, Quanjihao (Quan family) is a representative tea shop producing tea with delicate craftsmanship. Mr.Quan is in his 60s and he's still making tea and the packing by hand. Manzhuan tea paste, made from the finest raw material, are full of fantastic delicious flavor and nutrition. In order to make a good tea paste, Mr.Quan had consulted various old people and tea-makers, tried many times and...

2009 Ripe Puerh Tea Paste "Cha Gao" 25g

2009 Ripe Puerh Tea Paste "Cha Gao" 25g
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Almost on the verge of disappearing, Pu-erh tea paste used to be the special tribute to the Qing Dynasty imperial court. According to the Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica, Pu-erh tea paste is often pitch black; It is best known as antidote to drunkenness and the green paste is especially good for improving digestion and reducing phlegm.① The ripe puerh paste is made of 2009 fermented Yunnan large leaves material. Separate the fibers from the tea infusion by special...

2011 Raw Puerh Tea Paste "Cha Gao" 25g

2011 Raw Puerh Tea Paste "Cha Gao" 25g
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Almost on the verge of disappearing, Pu-erh tea paste used to be the special tribute to the Qing Dynasty imperial court. According to the Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica, Pu-erh tea paste is often pitch black; It is best known as antidote to drunkenness and the green paste is especially good for improving digestion and reducing phlegm.① The raw puerh paste is made of 2011 spring ecological tea from Simao area. Separate the fibers from the tea infusion by special...

2015 Yunnan Yi Wu Zheng Shan Ye Sheng Hong Cha

2015 Yunnan Yi Wu Zheng Shan Ye Sheng Hong Cha
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mimořádně zajímavý čerstvý (sklizeň říjen 2015) červený čaj sklizený z divoce rostoucích čajovníků starých 40 – 80 let v okolí vesnice Luo Shui Dong v pohoří Yi Wu. Zcela svébytný a velmi vzácný červený čaj (vyrobeno pouze 15 kg), nádherně snoubící charakter divokých čajovníků, čajů z Yiwu a těla a sladkosti červených čajů. Cena při rezervaci předem je 277,-/50 g, k dispozici pouze 3 kg.

2015 Spring Xiao Hu Sai Old Tree Cake 357g

2015 Spring Xiao Hu Sai Old Tree Cake 357g
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This cake is made by friend´s shop in small quantity just 150kg in total. First spring harvest from Xiao Hu Sai village, trees from single garden and age 80-120 year. Pure hand made , sun dried and stone pressed. Strong aroma, powerfull but balanced, thick, sweet, fast huigan, Aftertaste is long,For people who enjoy power of your raw puerh tea, this can be an great choice. In other way we can recommend it for storage for drinking after 10-15 years. This tea is wrappered in white...

2015 Snow Dragon

2015 Snow Dragon
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Sněžný Drak je název velice dobrého, bohatě ochmýřeného čaje. Krásný zelenostříbřitý vzhled, dokonalý tvar něžných listů a stříbrná barva pevných pupenů, nálev je velice jemný a osvěžující. Chuť je jemná a sladká, aftetaste lehce smetanový. Jemná a příjemná vůně čaje pomůže uvolnit se a odpočinout po náročné fyzické a duševní práci, zchladí Vaše smysly a zvedne Vám náladu.

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g
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The Menglong TF made this 250g tea brick from ancient wild tea tree material in 2006. Purple large leaves varietal tea is from Mengmao village, Baoshan region. This place is famous for wild arbor tea (Qiao Mu). It is the optimum ecological environment for the growth of grandifoliate planted tea trees. Four years proper store in Kunming makes the tea soup golden yellow, fruity aroma and a smooth flavour. The taste resembles some sorts of laocha(old oolong tea)! The packing paper is not...

2015 Spring Man Nuo Gu Shu Mao Cha 50g

2015 Spring Man Nuo Gu Shu Mao Cha 50g
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Man Nuo ancient tea gardens, at an altitude of 1266 meters. The tea trees are really old and magnificent, most of them grow on the slopes, reach up to 2 or 3 meters high and more than 10 cm stem diameter. There are very few other trees in the garden. Dry tea leaves are tight and dark. Golden yellow tea soup, wild flowers aroma. The most loved aspect of this tea is its aftertaste, which has a special mellow flavor in the throat when drinking. Harvest area: Mannuo,...

old school 7542 BingCha 2011

old school 7542 BingCha 2011
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I tasted several 7542 original Dayi cakes from recent years going back to 1997. Only the oldest made quiet an impression on me. Although this one cost several hundreds Euro already. I also run into a few 'private order 7542 cakes too. The 2011 one, a dry stored in Jiangsu, with very strong typical characteristics and a good price had to end up in aged raw pu-erh teas offer. Taste: Clean without any disturbing side effect, a strong bitterish, fruity 'menghai'...

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„Pití čaje Pu Er pomáhá s prevencí proti rakovině a zyšuje odolnost proti ozáření
Mezi protirakovinné organické látky v čaji můžeme řadit fenol, theofylin a nejrůznější vitaminy. Mezi anorganické látky mimo jiné patří zinek, molybden a mangan. Experimenty ukazují, že fenol v čaji zvyšuje rezistenci proti oxidaci a radiaci více než vitamin E. Mezi všemi druhy čaje dokáže právě Pu Er nejúčinněji pomáhat s prevencí proti rakovině a radiaci. Jako jeden z důvodů těchto kvalit se uvádí vynikající kvalita půdy v čínské provincii Yunnan, mírné podnebí a bohatý déšť, což jsou základní podmínky pro růst kvalitního čaje.“

Zdroj Web: Zdravotní účinky čaje Pu Er[online]. Good Tea, s.r.o., 2013. s. 5. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q534] [s70]

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