Druh: Červený čaj
Země: Čína
Oblast: Fujian
Sklizeň: Late spring 2012
Prodejce: Cha Wang Shop

Tagy: 2012
Popis od prodejce : Famous and well know red tea which come from Fujian province, Wuyi mountain, Tong Mu area. This tea is made in traditional way, used original smoked method, made from local small varietal tea trees. Spring harvest, nearby villages in Wuyi mountain. Thats why called Wai shan Xiao zhong (外山小种, teas outside of Tong Mu area). Small tight rolled dark leaves with good ratio of buds. The smokines is light and refined, unlike commercial Lapsang Souchong. Smooth, thick, great aftertaste.
This tea can storage for long time! After few months of smoked process, tea is very drinkable now!