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Pu-erh - Menghai

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g
3.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is composed from blend of 2005 and 2006 spring harvest from Menghai area. This is first batch in 2006 (601) and is far way better than later batches. Clean orange tea soup with nice herbal and flower aroma, strong, pungent and rich in mouth with fast huigan. Some bitterness and powerful feeling give to this cake good potential for long term storage!

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2007-2009 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma! Producer: Menghai Tea Factory Vintage: 2009 / Batch...

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Premium blend of first flush of spring tea * Batch 201This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2009-2011 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma!...

2007 Menghai Tea Factory 7532

2007 Menghai Tea Factory  7532
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : A classic recipe from Menghai, but the first production of 2007 (701). The highest grade material is always used for first batch productions and is highly sought after by collectors. Don't be confused this cake does not represent raw Pu-erh tea produced in 2007, rather it is a blend of premium Menghai area raw material from 2006. 7532 recipe is one of highest grade recipes used to compose raw tea cakes. The flavor is strong and pungent but that will mellow with age...




„Lao-c‘ věří ve vzájemnou podmíněnost. Říká: „Ber všechno takové, jaké to je, nerozhoduj se.“
Vypadá to jednoduché, a přesto je to ta nejtěžší věc na světě, protože mysl si chce vybírat. Mysl žije skrze rozhodování. Pokud se nerozhodujete, mysl začne ztrácet na síle. A to je cesta Lao-c’eho. Chcete-li utišit mysl, přestaňte volit mezi polaritami. Proto Lao-c‘ nedává žádné meditace. Nebylo jich třeba.
Žijte život tak, jak přichází – plyňte v jeho proudu. Nesnažte se ze všech sil někam dostat. Nežeňte se k cíli; užívejte si každý moment v jeho úplnosti a nestarejte se o minulost ani o budoucnost. Ve vaší duši se zrodí symfonie, setká se ve vás nejnižší s nejvyšším a pak – pak se z vás stanou boháči.“

Zdroj Kniha: Osho. Tři poklady Tao: Rozjímání nad sútrami Lao-c’eho Tao te ťingu. Olomouc : Fontána, 2009. s. 468. ISBN: 978-80-7336-494-6. [q117] [s22]

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