Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh

Ziziphus jujuba, commonly called jujube (sometimes jujuba), red date, Chinese date, Korean date, or Indian date is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae), used primarily as a shade tree that also bears fruit.

Zdroj Web: Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube>. [q900] [s96]

The freshly harvested as well as the candied dried fruits are often eaten as a snack, or with coffee. They are available in either red or black (called hóng zǎo or hēi zǎo, respectively, in Chinese), the latter being smoked to enhance their flavor. In China and Korea, a sweetened tea syrup containing jujube fruits is available in glass jars, and canned jujube tea or jujube tea in the form of teabags is also available. Although not widely available, jujube juice and jujube vinegar (called 枣醋 or 红枣醋 in Chinese) are also produced; they are used for making pickles (কুলের আচার) in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Zdroj Web: Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube>. [q902] [s96]

In China, a wine made from jujubes, called hong zao jiu (红枣酒) is also produced. Jujubes are sometimes preserved by storing in a jar filled with baijiu (Chinese liquor), which allows them to be kept fresh for a long time, especially through the winter. Such jujubes are called jiu zao (酒枣; literally "spirited jujube"). These fruits, often stoned, are also a significant ingredient in a wide variety of Chinese delicacies.

Zdroj Web: Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube>. [q904] [s96]

The fruits and seeds are used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine, where they are believed to alleviate stress, and traditionally for antifungal, antibacterial, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispastic, antifertility/contraception, hypotensive and antinephritic, cardiotonic, antioxidant, immunostimulant, and wound healing properties

Zdroj Web: Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube>. [q906] [s96]

The jujube's sweet smell is believed to make teenagers fall in love, and as a result, in the Himalaya and Karakoram regions, boys take a stem of sweet-smelling jujube flowers with them or put it on their hats to attract girls.

Zdroj Web: Jujube Fragrance in Pu-erh[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube>. [q908] [s96]

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Zdroj Kniha: Osho. Tři poklady Tao: Rozjímání nad sútrami Lao-c’eho Tao te ťingu. Olomouc : Fontána, 2009. s. 468. ISBN: 978-80-7336-494-6. [q118] [s22]
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